The first video “The Lowdown on Lowbrow: West Coast Pop Art” discusses how Pop art was known as “Lowbrow” to the artists who were familiar with it.
The second video “New Tate Modern: Switched” explores the importance of Tate Modern’s Switch House and how it influenced contemporary art in London. The Tate Modern’s Switch House holds various modern art exhibits.
The third video I watched, “An Acquiring Mind: Philippe de Montebello and The Metropolitan Museum of Art” discusses the important role that Philippe de Montebello had as the Director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where he acquired over 80,000 thousand pieces of art that were considered outstanding works.
The videos do not really relate to my project because my project is just a general overview of the artwork.
In my opinion, the videos are very informative and add more depth and understanding in choosing art for the project. It helps a lot with my ideas for the project.
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